Ecological Management at Tifft Nature Preserve
Tifft Nature Preserve offers a unique destination for the residents of Buffalo and surrounding communities to immerse themselves in nature, while also protecting unique habitat and ecological communities. The Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences (BSNS) has been committed to managing the preserve, a part of the City of Buffalo parks system, as a publicly accessible nature preserve. Using nearby natural areas as examples, we are working to improve biological diversity, to increase resilience to environmental change, and to strengthen ecological functions within the preserve.
In pursuit of these goals, which focus on intrinsic ecological values, we recognize that enhanced habitat and authenticity to local native plant communities will serve our community by providing a better experience for visitors and a better environmental classroom with more opportunities for learners of all ages. Coupled with our educational programming, a driving goal in managing Tifft Nature Preserve from an ecological lens, is to foster an appreciation of nature and to cultivate the environmental stewards of tomorrow.